Best WordPress 5.1 Cloud Hosting

WordPress 5.1 “Betty” was officially released on February 21, 2019, and is available for download. WordPress 5.1 is the first major release since the launch of the WordPress block editor (AKA Gutenberg) in WordPress 5.0. And while it does bring some tweaks and improvements for the block editor, the biggest new features in this release

What is ASP.NET Boilerplate?

In 2016, Microsoft announced ASP.NET Core 1.0 — a completely redesigned version of its hugely popular web framework — ASP.NET. The web developers can now use ASP.NET Core as an open source and cross-platform framework. They can even use the latest version of ASP.NET Core to build websites, web applications, and web services according to varied business requirements. They

Best Cloud ASP.NET Core Hosting Comparison – ASPHostPortal VS Lunarpages

BestCloudHostingASP.NET | Best and affordable ASP.NET Core hosting comparison. Lunarpages Internet Solutions offers web hosting configurations from basic web hosting to more advanced hosting solutions such as private cloud hosting, complete IT infrastructure, disaster recovery and business continuity solutions. Lunarpages utilizes the most advanced virtualization technologies available today such as VMware and Citrix XenServer. On

.NET Core and .NET Standard: What Is the Difference?

The .NET Framework is used for building desktop applications and ASP.NET applications running on Internet Information Server (IIS). It was the first managed framework released. .NET Core .NET Core is a free, cross-platform, open source implementation of the managed framework. It supports four types of applications: console, ASP.NET Core, cloud, and Universal Windows Platform (UWP). Windows Forms and Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF) are

Best and Affordable Joomla 3.9.3 Cloud Hosting

BestCloudHostingASP.NET | Best and affordable Joomla 3.9.3 hosting. Joomla 3.9.3 has been released. This version of Joomla! supports the most recent release of PHP, the most popular programming language for developing web applications. PHP 7 was recently announced with significant performance improvements and is now available for use by the general public. With Joomla! 3.9.3 users can

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