Joomla Tips for Power Users

Joomla is a great CMS with so many features that even regular users may not understand all options available to them. Tip #1. Global check-in In order to unlock the editing of all the articles, categories, plugins and modules you can do a global check-in. The image below shows locked content appears: And this next

How to Configure Jetpack for Your WordPress Site

Jetpack is billed as an all-in-one plugin that covers a range of use cases including WordPress security, performance optimization, marketing tools, analytics, and more. The plugin is maintained by Automattic, the team behind other popular WordPress services and products like and WooCommerce. Over the years, Jetpack has developed a reputation for being a bloated and unnecessary plugin

How to Fix WordPress 401 Error

Trying to access a website only to be met with a 401 error code? This could be happening on your own WordPress website or it could be happening on someone else’s site that you’re trying to visit. If your WordPress site is showing the 401 error code to other visitors, it’s important to fix the

How to Put WordPress Into Maintenance Mode

Whether you’re rebranding your website, trying to debug an error, or making an update to an existing page, you don’t want your visitors’ experience on the frontend to be disturbed. However, when you’re making changes to your website, that’s a very real possibility. That’s why you need to learn how to put WordPress into maintenance

Easy Way to Use SSL on Joomla Website

What type of SSL Certificate do you need? There are three different types of SSL Certificate: Shared SSL – it is a free certificate configured to work with shared IP. It may show a pop-up warning message when used. Dedicated SSL – it is a paid and private certificate. It will work with your domain only, and

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