Where and How to Host Your Drupal Website

With the help of the robust, adaptable open source content management system (CMS) Drupal, businesses may build and maintain hundreds or even thousands of websites using headless, hybrid, or conventional architectures. Although Drupal offers limitless potential, organizations still need to provide their apps with the infrastructure, security, and upkeep that customers want. This can be

What’s Coming with .NET 8

Without a question, the Microsoft.NET ecosystem has grown over the years and each new version introduces new features. Microsoft announced.Net 8 last month in honor of the 20th anniversary of Net. Native AOT in ASP.NET Core Hold onto your hats! Native AOT has finally arrived to ASP.NET Core apps! This means that when you publish

How To Fix a 502 Bad Gateway Error

When accessing a page or web, you certainly sometimes experience a number of disturbances or errors when entering the destination site. One of the errors that are often encountered is appearing with the error code 502 bad gateway. Generally, this error code will appear in various forms such as: 502 Bad Gateway 502 Service Temporarily

Multi-tenant Apps With EF Core and ASP.​NET Core

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) like JetBrains Space, YouTrack, and TeamCity Cloud are built around the concept of multi-tenancy. Many other services you are using every day probably are, too! Instead of spinning up a dedicated server for every customer, these services often share server resources while keeping configuration, data and user accounts for that service separate and isolated. Much like time-sharing

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